The developers of JoomGalleryfriends continue to work diligently and voluntarily on the development of the future JoomGallery 4 for versions of Joomla! 4, Joomla! 5 and also for the upcoming Joomla! 6 in two years.
Unfortunately, there are only a few of us driving the development forward. We are always looking for help to make faster progress.
The third alpha version of JoomGallery 4.0.0 has just been released.
With today's release of the alpha3 version of JG4, we now need many additional testers to check the current state of JoomGallery 4 for possible bugs.
This version is compatible with Joomla! 4.x and Joomla! 5.x.

Compared to the alpha2 there are essentially the following changes:


  • Bug fixing in the migration

The already existing and extensive migration script for the migration from JoomGallery 3.x to JoomGallery 4.x has been improved and some bugs have been fixed.
Further information and two videos can be found here: Migration: Jg3ToJg4

  • Applying the ACL (access control lists) to the backend views

The rights management was and should be a great feature of the new JoomGallery. We have already implemented a few things in the backend.

  • Introduction of the Infinity scroll, "Load more" button, lightbox view for the category view in the frontend

Initial work on the frontend views described above has been completed.

  • ... and many other smaller adjustments and optimisations of the existing things


This version of JoomGallery is still under development. Do not use this version on a productive website. It is only intended for testing and trying out.

An update from the alpha I or alpha II version to the current alpha III is not possible! Please uninstall the previous versions and reinstall the alpha III and then test it!


The alpha3 version can be downloaded HERE!


  • A German language file can be downloaded from the following link:

  • A French language file can be downloaded from the following link:

  • A Nederlands language file can be downloaded from the following link:

  • A Belgian language file can be downloaded from the following link:

And now you come into play!
Download the new alpha3 version, you can upload it to your Joomla 4.x or Joomla 5.x test site as normal via the Joomla installer.
Afterwards you will find the JoomGallery4 alpha3 version in the components of your installation. Now take a look at what works and what has been changed. Test for example the image upload, the category creation, tags and if you have a JG 3.x, of course the migration script! Maybe you will find some errors.
VERY IMPORTANT, you have to report the bugs to us so that we can work on them. The bug fixes can then be incorporated into version Alpha 4, which is already being programmed in the background.


What is this alpha version really?

The alpha version shows the current development status of the component on its way to the first stable release. We have reached a stage of development that can be installed and operated relatively error-free. We would like to share this development status so that everyone can get an idea of the development status and operation of the new JoomGallery version. We also want to expand the circle of testers in order to receive even more feedback from users and to further refine and optimise the component.

What is this alpha version NOT?

This is not a stable release. Do not install this version in a productive Joomla! installation. This development version still contains bugs, which in the worst case can lead to data loss. However, we encourage everyone to try out this alpha version and let us know about your experiences and any bugs you find.
If you have already installed the Alpha1 or Alpha2 version, you will need to uninstall it first. There is currently no update path to update from an old JoomGallery 4 version.

How can I report bugs found?

We prefer it if you open the bugs found directly on GitHub in our development repository as an issue. This ensures that the bug is checked by one of the programmers and not forgotten. If you don't know what to do with it or don't have the confidence to post on GitHub, you can also report the bug in the forum. We will then record your error correctly on GitHub.

How can I help?

JoomGallery is a voluntary open source project. We live and exist from the community, i.e. the users of JoomGallery. Help us to (further) develop JoomGallery and make it available.
Find out here how you can get involved.


Get in touch with us:
Via our forum
or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.